Announcements - 26-May 2024
1. Today is the last day of appealing for donations to help families affected by floods. Donations can be in the form of dry food, cooking
oil, sugar, flour, monetary, or any other household items. Please not cloths, we have so far received excess cloths. Kindly drop them in the
Parish office during the week. They will be taken on Thursday 30th to the Archdiocese of Nairobi Office for distribution.
2. Next Sunday 2nd June is Corpus Christi (Body & Blood of Christ), there will be a Solemn procession with Blessed Eucharist during 1 pm Mass.
All are welcome.
- There will be a blessing of our tithe. Children’s Mass will be at 9:00 am and there will be no Sunday school.
3. Couples planning to get married or solemnize their marriage are asked to register in the Catechist’s office during the week.
4. The Christian Education Committee invites you to an interactive session about the Sacrament of Matrimony on 2nd June, at 9.30 am, at
the Auditorium in the Allamano Centre. All are welcome.
5. The Consolata Shrine Professionals Group is organizing a FREE Education Technology (EduTech) clinic which will take place on 2nd
June 2024 at the Allamano Auditorium from 11 am to 2 pm. You are welcome to bring your family and friends.
6. St Thomas Small Christian Community will animate the Rosary on Friday 31st (the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary) after
5.30 pm and St. Anthony of Padua Small Christian Community will animate the Rosary next Saturday 1st June, after 5 pm Mass.
7. The Archdiocese of Nairobi invites all Catholic Teachers to celebrate Teachers Day on 8th June 2024 at St Mary’s School Msongari from
8:00 am.
8. We thank God for the elevation of Bl. Joseph Allamano together with Bl. Carlo Acutis to the Sainthood. The canonization date will be
9. There will be a Charity Golf Tournament organized by KCCB to educate future priests in Seminaries for the Catholic Church at Limuru Country
Golf Club on 7/6/2024. For more information, see the posters on the notice board.
PARISH WEBSITE:; PARISH E-MAIL:;; Tithe Account No: 002215001004856 – ABC Bank: A/C Name: Consolata Fathers –Shrine; Allamano Project Account No. 002215001004394.: ABC Bank: Consolata Father-Shrine Project; PARISH MPESA NUMBER: 508702