The Catechist’s Office at St. Joseph (Deep Sea)

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A catechist, being appointed by the church has several mandates that he or she has been entrusted to in the church. Apart from being the main agent of catechizing and evangelization in the outstation and a witness of Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him through the example of Jesus Christ who is a perfect teacher. She has also been assigned to other duties in collaboration with the parish priest and other ordained ministers.

These duties include:

Catechizing children, the young people and the adults who are preparing to receive the sacraments in collaboration with other volunteer catechists.

Co-ordinating pastoral activities at the outstation. Giving instructions and guidance to the adults who are preparing to receive the sacrament of matrimony.

Preparing parents and godparents for infant baptism through formation. Accompaniment of catechumens even after baptism and after reception of other sacraments in order to strengthen their faith. Organizing retreats and recollection for various groups in the church and being present.

Visiting the sick in their homes in the slum and give them Holy Communion. Home visits to the families who need encouragement and guidance in order to help and make them come closer to God and experience the love of Jesus Christ.

Accompanying those couples who find it hard to solemnize their marriage because of either financial difficulties or other reasons.

Leading community prayers in the church, in the Small Christian communities and in other church functions. School apostolate i.e. organizing and attending pastoral programme instructions in the neighboring catholic sponsored schools and ensuring that they have mass at least once per term and to ensure that the pupils and the students receive the sacraments of Christian initiation. Assisting during mass on Sunday and on wedding ceremonies.

Organizing seminars for the junior youth during every holiday and to organize fun activities for young children in the church during the holiday season in collaboration with their animators.

Apart from all these assignments, it’s hard to make it all alone without the assistance of other volunteer catechists so it’s upon the catechist in the outstation who is assigned there fully to give support and formation to the other volunteer catechists to ensure perfect and smooth running of pastoral activities in the outstation.

It is also her duty to motivate people to serve others by helping them to encounter and accept Jesus Christ especially the non-believers who need our guidance.

Finally, it is the duty of the catechist to link with all the missionary activities in the outstation as well as in the parish in collaboration with the catechist in the parish, the parish priest and the other priests in the parish. It is not an easy task but with the help of God, who called us to make Him known to all generations, through the help Jesus Christ the perfect teacher, the Holy spirit our guide and our intercessor and through the consolation of Our Lady of Consolata the humble mother of our savior, all is possible. ACTS 1:8

By Josephine Koki
Catechist St. Joseph