Parish Structure

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Apostolate Committee


As “Apostles”, the committee’s mission is “to bring the good news of Jesus Christ into all strata of humanity and through its influence transform humanity from within making it new.” (Pope Paul VI: Evangelization in the modern world No. 18).

The duties of the Apostolate Committee include evangelization, concern for Apostolic groups, outreach catechism and ecumenism (establishing contact with the other Christian denominations).

In line with the 2nd Vatican Council, Pope John Paul II emphasised the role of the laity in apostolate work. We enhance the apostolic and missionary enterprise of our ecclesial family. Then how do we fulfill our Christian task of letting the world know about Jesus Christ?

This is done through:


Evangelization is the cornerstone of our apostolic work. This is the proclamation of Christ by word and the testimony of life spreading the good news to all. The foundation of our evangelization is biblically based:

Jesus appointed 72 disciples to go out on apostolic mission, “The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers in his harvest” (Lk 10:2). That is, bringing people to Him.
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he commissioned the 11 Apostles, and by extension we the laity. He said “You will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judea and Samaria, and indeed to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8-9). He also instructed his apostles to “teach the people to keep all whatever I have commanded you.” (Mt. 28:20)

With the love of Jesus Christ, and to help in the missionary work of the Church, we follow St. Paul’s teaching who states that God wanted “some to be Apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers.” (Eph. 4:11)


The Committee carries out the activities below in the whole parish working with target groups, that is, Small Christian Communities and other apostolic groups on spiritual matters as follows:

Apostolic Groups: The Apostolate Committee is an umbrella for all apostolic groups such as Small Christian Communities (SCCs), CMA, CWA, Charismatic prayer group, Prayer Journey, and Legion of Mary. However, these groups carry out their activities independently. The committee is mainly consultative with occasional joint activities.

Outreach Catechism: We facilitate catechism for adult groups in a participatory manner sharing with them on matters of faith of our Catholic teaching such as on Sacraments, devotions, and generally on what it takes to be a good Christian. Topics covered have included forgiveness, sin and temptation, the meaning of the Cross of Christ and the Eucharist. The most successful catechism is conducted monthly in Deep Sea, Suswa and Masai villages in the Highridge area.

Small Christian Communities (SCCs): The committee spearheads the establishment and formation of SCCs. Once the communities are established, the committee ensures that formation of Some of the Apostolate Committee members. members is done through professional seminars for capacity building in their activities and in understanding the role of SCCs in the community and in the parish.

Pilgrimages: The committee facilitates both spiritual and administrative preparations for pilgrimages to sacred places for prayer and meditation. The parishioners are now familiar with the annual pilgrimages in the parish to Italy, Subukia, Namugongo and other centres such as the “African Bible on the Ground” at the Benedictine Monastery in Nanyuki.

Prayer Sessions: “Lord teach us to pray” (Lk 11:1) The laity, just like the apostles of Christ did, thirst for knowledge on how to become closer to God through prayer. The committee endeavours to have sessions at which experts impart the spirit of prayer to the people so as to improve their prayer life. Organising for Popular Missions is included here.

Ecumenism for Christian Unity: By bringing together Christian denominations (the Orthodox, Anglican and Presbyterian for joint prayer sessions, the committee attempts to unite Christians to fulfill Jesus’ prayer: ”So that they may all be one, just as you Father are in me and I in you, so that they may be one with us…“(Jn 17:21).

Devotions: Ensure observance of devotions in the Parish, that is, pilgrimage of our Lady Consolata and Our Lady of Assumption to families and communities during the month of May.

Novenas: Actively participate in Novenas in the Church in liaison with other committees.

Finally, the committee works under the very good guidance of our priests.


Apostolate Activities 3 Year Calendar 2014-2016 Theme; Consecrated to Jesus through Mary

January – December Committee meetings every first Monday of the month Catechism
at Deep Sea every 2nd Sunday of the month Bible Study
March, July, November SCC Leaders Seminar
January Apostolate Committee Retreat
April Committee Pilgrimage
May Marian Devotion – The Rosary Novena of the Pentecost
June Visit to Namugongo – Ugandan Martyrs Day
August Novena to the Lady of Subukia
Subukia Pilgrimage
Novena/prayers for the General Election (2012 only)
October Demands of the Mission (Missionary Month)
– Missionary Rosary
– Vigil prayer – Saturday before Mission Sunday
Nov/Dec Novena to the Immaculate Conception
Feast of the Immaculate Conception