

Consolata Youth Rehabilitation Programme (COYREP) is a legally recognised NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) registered in August 2001 by the Government of Kenya. The organization is operating at Consolata Shrine parish offices in Westands, Nairobi.

COYREP is headed by a Board linked to the Parish Council which includes professional volunteers. It focuses its effort on offering hope and a future to the youth of Westlands slums and street youth through promotion of Education, Health, Empowerment and Development.

Every year, its services are benefiting an average of 100 street youth, 70 nursery children, 30 slum youth and 30 young poor single mothers, all of whom are identified within the Westlands vicinity. COYREP services reach out to slums locally named “Maasai”, “Suswa” and “Deep Sea”, and other poor settlements of the area whose living situation is dramatic.

The programme gets resources from well-wishers in and outside Kenya notably local parishioners and volunteers from abroad. Assistance is always welcome both in cash and in kind which is channelled to the relevant project within the organisation.


COYREP has initiated education projects to benefit the poor in the Westlands area. The aim is to provide basic education for children and to enable others continue their education in primary and secondary schools.
The following are the specific activities:

COYREP runs a Nursery School at the Deep Sea slum and it already caters for over 70 children every year.
Sponsorship for slum children to primary schools.
Sponsorship of slums’ youth and street children to colleges for commercial and vocational courses.
Organising workshops and seminars on life challenging topics for the youth of the slums and the street such as on HIV/AIDS and moral and behavioural changes.

COYREP has organised a team of medical professional volunteers (doctors and nurses) to facilitate delivery of health and medical services to the poor of the area.

Coyrep is operating a clinic at Suswa with a full-time nurse and a doctor who visits once every week.Currently, an average of 400 patients receive treatment on various illnesses including malaria, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, among others.
Through medical professionals, referrals are made to established hospitals for the more serious medical cases.

We hope to improve the clinic facilities in order to provide a spectrum of basic curative, preventive and promotive health care services such as maternity, AIDS awareness and a laboratory.


COYREP has planned activities that involve the disadvantaged in economically gainful projects, that provide them with sustenance, self-esteem and growth to become responsible citizens. COYREP has the following projects which may be expanded:

A Craft Centre for the youth to produce various handicraft marketed locally and overseas, and an African fashion unit for women to produce artistic textile items for the same market.


COYREP has for a number of years been involved in the rehabilitation of Westlands street children. The following are the activities currently in progress:

Feeding programme for an average of 100 young street children
Moral and spiritual rehabilitation through talks and follow-ups
Recreation activities such as football, drama and indoor games
Placement with children homes and vocational institutions or schools
Integration of rehabilitated street children with their parents
Cleanliness through provision of clean water and clothing.
Again, we appeal for the support of all parishioners and well-wishers so that we may truly live our theme, “community serving humanity.”

Our Masses

Sunday masses
7.00am – 9.00am – 11.00am – 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Weekday masses
7.00am – 1:15pm – 5:30pm

St. Joseph Deep Sea

Sunday Mass: 11.00am
Weekday Mass: 5.00pm (Wednesday’s Only)

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