
Apostalate Committee

The Apostolate Committee at Consolata Shrine is comprised of a number of committees whose goal is to reach out to others within the church and outside of the church both by activities that make people’s lives better spiritually and physically and by living their vocations as witnesses in the communities where we live and work.

Vatican II defines Apostolate “as all activity of the Mystical Body directed to the goal for which the Church was founded, namely “the spreading of the kingdom of Christ throughout the earth for the glory of God the Father, to enable all men to share in His saving redemption, and that through them the whole world might enter into a relationship with Christ.” At the Shrine, this goal is realised by the following groups:

Catholic Women Association (CWA)
Catholic Men Association (CMA)
Charismatic Prayer Group
Perpetual Eucharistic Adorers (PEA)
Legion of Mary
Rosary Group
Pilgrimage Sub-committee
Small Christian Communities (Jumuias)
Ministers of the Sick
The Ministers of the sick are concerned with spiritual welfare of those in physical and/or mental discomfort. Our visits to the sick are Pastoral. Pastoral visit tends to concentrate on: The person, Accepting tension, Comfort through facing, helping a person share himself/herself, Being understanding, Being helpful by intimate sharing and talking about your/their relationship with God.

Through these groups our parish is able to spread the kingdom of God by visiting the sick, visiting the prisons, praying for and with those afflicted, organizing pilgrimages, organizing rosary processions and Eucharistic Adoration Vigils. We also work hand in hand with Pastoral team in supporting our brothers and sisters at St. Joseph (Deep Sea) which is an Out Station of Consolata Shrine.

The Apostolate Committee meets every first Monday of the month at 6.15pm. If you’re interested in joining any of these groups feel free to attend our monthly meetings or leave your name and phone number at the parish office.

Our Masses

Sunday masses
7.00am – 9.00am – 11.00am – 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Weekday masses
7.00am – 1:15pm – 5:30pm

St. Joseph Deep Sea

Sunday Mass: 11.00am
Weekday Mass: 5.00pm (Wednesday’s Only)

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