

The Catholic Men Association has been in existence in our parish for over eleven years now. However, this is not a new group in the Catholic Church.

It has been around for quite a while in other parishes even before it was formed here. Unlike in the old days when CMA was confined to old men who did not have anything to do on Sunday afternoons, today it is an association of dynamic men of all ages, who serve their parishes with professional skills and other resources.At Consolata, CMA was formed on the basis of the Pope’s call to lay faithful to participate actively in parish affairs. There was also the desire of men who felt they needed more spiritual nourishment in addition to attending Mass.
Any man of 18 years and above can join CMA. To run the secretariat, we normally pay a minimal registration fee and affordable yearly subscription. We hold meetings once every three months. These meetings are usually restricted to a duration of one hour only to avoid inconveniencing members with unnecessary delays.

As a constituent of the Apostolate Committee, we have achieved good results in all our undertakings especially where we are called to assist in liturgical calendar events here at our parish. For spiritual nourishment, we organize Bible studies, retreats and join other parishioners whenever there is a pilgrimage.

Our future projection is to try and cast our net wide and far within the Consolata male fraternity so that we can catch a good number of men that will enable us to sponsor bigger projects than we have done before.

Just as a man is the head of most families, here in our parish we would like the presence of men felt in a wider perspective spiritually and physically in all areas of development. We have talents and other untapped resources that can take us far.

Our Masses

Sunday masses
7.00am – 9.00am – 11.00am – 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Weekday masses
7.00am – 1:15pm – 5:30pm

St. Joseph Deep Sea

Sunday Mass: 11.00am
Weekday Mass: 5.00pm (Wednesday’s Only)

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