
Christine Education Committee

The Christian Education Committee derives its mandate from the wealth, richness and diversity of our faith. In that in our journey of faith our personal reflection and life questions can be addressed through the programs and seminars and interventions that the CEC carries out. The Christian Education Committee as the name suggests is all about educating the Christians and curving out need based programs according to various demographics within the parish with special focus on the family as unit. From this spirit core of the committee is formed. The following groups and activities form the CEC.

The focus of the family life sub-committee is to prepare couples for marriage in the parish, workshops for married couples and parents and specific talks for mothers and fathers.

The Consolata Youth Group or ‘’CYG’’ as referred to by the youth, comprises of young people who have finished High School, in Campus or even working that have come together to share their faith, challenges and life experience with each other. The CYG has various activities, indoor and outdoor that keeps a young mind involved and eager, with also an opportunity to grow. We have camps, hikes, debates, talks talent shows and charity activities including the Youth Choir that sings every Sunday.

We have the PMC group and Sunday school program to cater for our children’s spiritual and social growth. The junior youth are a group that comprises of young people in their teens. The group a lot of programs and activities that cater to the unique needs of this age group, that includes Alpha Program which a formation course, pilgrimages and camps and also charity work.

Special Programs under the CEC
They are some need based programs that the CEC organizes annually, for example Youth Camps over the holidays. Formation workshops like Creating Positive Relations CPR. The Annual Rite of Passage Program that targets young boys.
The Christian Education Committee will ensure that the prevailing theme for the year will be incorporated into its activities. To this end, in each quarter of the year there will be a specific activity which will have as the center the spirituality of the theme. The Marian months of May and October will be of particular importance for the children’s activities

Our Masses

Sunday masses
7.00am – 9.00am – 11.00am – 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Weekday masses
7.00am – 1:15pm – 5:30pm

St. Joseph Deep Sea

Sunday Mass: 11.00am
Weekday Mass: 5.00pm (Wednesday’s Only)

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