

26 January 202

1. Today, the Divine Mercy Group is recruiting new members at the tent outside the church. All are welcome.

2. Next Sunday 2nd February 2025, there will be blessing of our tithe, our Families and our work. Please come prepared.
 The Rosary will be prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament after the 1pm Mass.
 The Children’s Sunday activities will resume next Sunday 2nd February2025 with the children’s Mass at 9:00 am. There will be no Sunday Service on that day.

3. Registration for Catechism classes (Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation) for the boarders is ongoing at the catechist’s office.

4. Consolata Charismatic Prayer Group has organized Life in the Spirit Seminar every Sunday at 2 pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome.

5. St. Joseph Allamano Small Christian Community will animate Rosary next Saturday 1st February after 5:00 pm Mass.

6. Consolata School Daycare registration is ongoing for children aged 18 months to 3 years. For more information visit the School office during the week.

7. Bible Diaries for 2025 with daily reflections are available at the Bookshop. Take a copy for yourself or as a gift to your friends.

8. The Episcopal Ordination of Monsignor Jackson Murugara Bishop-elect Coadjutor of the Catholic Diocese of Meru will be on 19th March on the solemnity of St Joseph. All are welcome to attend.

9. Consolata Dispensary at St Joseph Deep Sea now offers Ultrasound Services on Saturdays from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. For more information or to book an appointment kindly visit the dispensary.

Wedding Bans
There is a promise of marriage between:

Kindly visit the parish notice board for more information. If anyone has an objection, please notify the father in charge

Kindly make your contributions through
(Sadaka, Tithe, Any other contribution)

Mpesa paybill number 508702
Account name/reason (Sadaka, Tithe, Any other contribution)

Cheques in favour of Consolata ShrineConsolata Fathers


PARISH WEBSITE: www.consolatashrine.org

PARISH E-MAIL: info@consolatashrine.org

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