
About Us

Our History
Founded in Turin, Italy, on 29th January 1901 by Blessed Joseph Allamano, they take their name after Our Lady Consolata (meaning consoled or consoler), the name under which the Mother of Jesus is venerated in Turin.

In 1902 they came to Kenya and celebrated the first official Mass in Tuthu (now in the diocese of Muranga) on 29th June 1902.

Since then, they have opened missions in Ethiopia (1913), Tanzania (1919), Somalia (1924), Mozambique (1925), Great Britain (1936), Brazil (1937), Portugal (1943), Argentina (1946), USA (1946), Colombia (1947), Canada (1947), South Africa (1948), Spain (1955), Venezuela (1970), Congo DRC (1972), Uganda(1985), Korea (1988), and Ivory Coast (1995), Mongolia (2003), Djibouti (2004).

In the year 2001, there were over 100 Kenyan Consolata Missionaries; most of them serving the Gospel in the countries mentioned above. The Consolata Missionary sisters were founded on 29th January 1910.

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